Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Yum Yum Space Food

Last week, for spring break, my boyfriend went to Washington DC and New York with a couple of his buddies. And, of course, he made a visit to the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum! As a result, I got some freeze dried ice cream and strawberries, similar to the ones that were developed for the early Apollo flights.
Very romantic might I say... ice cream and strawberries with a fun nerdy twist! And, something that I haven't tried yet, also... although, I have not had the strawberries yet, but I bet they taste like the dried ones you get in some cereals.

Anyway, here are a few pics of them. If you want to get some, you can go to luvyduvy.com which is listed on the back of these packages of yummy items. The site kind of sucks... It doesn't really make ordering easy... and it suggests that you need to buy an order of at least 100? I don't know... maybe I'm wrong.

Freeze dried ice cream:

Here is a chunk of the chocolate part. There are three parts, strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate, as it is neapolitan. Bebe, my sweet little furball, as you can see in the corner of the photo liked to lick the vanilla and strawberry chunks. These pieces literally look like chalk and are very very light. The taste is very creamy and melt right in your mouth!
Freeze Dried Strawberries:
I have yet to taste these... but I assume they will be delicious as well!

1 comment:

AWY said...


nice nice nice!

how romantic!